Your website is your first commercial

Any company, in any sector, must have a website. This can serve different purposes: to sell products, generate leads, or even promote.

The importance of having a high-performance website is well established. It is an essential tool in setting up a digital marketing strategy and a powerful commercial strategy. It is a real showcase for the company.

So how do you make your site a real business asset?

The advantages of a website

Having a website is necessary for any structure. It is the window, the image, and the promotion of the company. But having a website is not enough, it must be effective and generate traffic. A high-performance site has many advantages, it allows you to:

Get listed on Google.

SEO and SEA are today essential tools for the acquisition of prospects and the notoriety of a website. The more your site is well referenced, the more it will be visible and, consequently, the more it will attract potential customers.

Have quality content.

Producing content is good, but producing articles that will be read, it’s better. Your content is the image of your company, it reflects the brand but also helps to attract Internet users and retain them. With impactful productions, you will build a real community and enhance your brand image.

Create a database

by linking your website to a CRM such as hotspot. A substantial database serves your prospecting. It is necessary for sending newsletters and setting up email campaigns. This base represents potential customers and must be used strategically.

Analyze their statistics.

With platforms like Google Analytics you can see how long people spend on your site, their engagement rate, entry channel, bounce rate… and more. This gives you the ability to target what works on your site, what users view, and like, and what needs to be improved.

A few tips for creating a website

To create an effective website for your business, a few important points should not be overlooked. Your site must represent your brand, promote your services, produce quality content and be attractive. To do this, you have to ask yourself the right questions beforehand. It is essential to:

Define your goals

What results do you want to achieve? Is your site intended to generate more sales? To work on customer loyalty? To Generate Lead quality? Determining the purpose of your website will help decide what to do next. This objective must be specific, realistic, and set within a time limit.

Determine your target

You have to do your persona to know what content will correspond to your target. This can be done using polls, surveys, statistics, user testing, or even ethnographic studies.

Work on your SEO

Search for keywords words is important, even necessary. A list of keywords related to its sector of activity will position your website and thus bring more traffic. To do this, it is useful to perform a benchmark to analyze what your competitors are doing, how, the first referenced sites, and the most widespread content. This will allow you to more easily identify the keywords to put in place on your website.

Define its angle

Know what content to produce and for what purpose. In this perspective, the formats should be chosen with care. Indeed, each piece of content has a specific impact on the conversion of the Internet user into a customer. It is then necessary to make a schedule to publish regularly, recycle wisely and vary the content. At the same time, writing should be accessible to everyone to reach as many people as possible

Work on your traffic acquisition channels

These channels include SEO, SEA, communication on social networks or emailing campaigns, etc. To receive visits to your website, you have to communicate on it, highlight it, and this on the right channels.

The essentials to put in place

vCertain tools and habits must be adopted for the proper functioning of your website:
The design should be attractive. It is therefore necessary to be vigilant with the people chosen to develop your website.

Some developers have technical notions but no concept of design or customer experience. Your website is your image, the user must be attracted by a professional and attractive design. Also, the content must be clear to remain impactful and effective.

As part of an SEO strategy, the production of text content must integrate the internal mesh. The internal mesh represents links in your text allowing access to other pages of your website. This encourages the user to stay on your site but also to be interested in your offers. This internal mesh must be irreproachable.

Clicking on the call-to-action will take users to other parts of the website, such as promotional offers or a contact form. These “visual buttons” are essential in converting a visitor to a qualified prospect. They are an integral part of the inbound marketing strategy.
